Find your fit

60min Full Body Massage
Perfect blend of light touch and flow to ease tension in the muscles. This massage increases circulation and blood flow leading to increased mobility, decreased pain and lower frequency of injury. Ideal for chronic headaches, muscle tension, stress and everything in between.
Duration- 60min

30min Treatment Massage
Specific massage designed to keep your body running at its maximum potential. This treatment is for 1-2 specific spots you would like targeted that are causing discomfort. This massage involves stretching, massage techniques and modalities to increase range of motion, decrease pain and restore proper function.
Duration- 30min

60min Treatment Massage
Extended duration treatment massage for more than 2 specific problem areas.
Duration- 60min

Sport Stretch
Full body stretch with active and passive movements designed to increase mobility, elongate tight muscle bellies and increase circulation for optimal strength and performance.
Duration- 45min